Boxing Games

Interactive Boxing

Interactive boxing arcade game with realistic silicone punching figure and sensor-driven 3D visuals for an immersive indoor sports experience.
Experience real boxing impact with sensor-based recognition technology, syncing punches to dynamic 3D animations.
Combine entertainment and fitness with Interactive Boxing, offering realistic punching and action-packed indoor gameplay.

The Interactive Boxing allows players to punch a realistic silicone figure, with a sensor recognition system matching corresponding 3D visuals to simulate the real boxing impact. Combining stress relief, relaxation, fitness, and entertainment, it creates an immersive experience that puts you right in the action.


  • Land Area:4m*3.5m*3m

  • Player:1-3 Players

  • Game Time: 3-15min

  • Voltage:110-220V

  • Power:500W

KO Hppy Bear Boxing

Interactive boxing game featuring synchronized sensors and real-time reactions, making every punch feel personal.
KO Happy Bear Boxing combines entertainment and fitness with animated visuals and engaging gameplay for all ages.
KO Happy Bear Boxing arcade game with animated characters, crowd cheers, and immersive visuals for a lively sports experience.

KO Happy Bear Boxing offers players an immersive boxing experience. As the game begins, the digital screen uses animations to create the atmosphere as the character enters the ring, including scene details, cheering crowds, character action simulations, and the referee. The sensors sync with the display, showing the reactions and movements of Happy Bear when struck by the player, making the player feel as if they are personally involved in this intense boxing match.


  • Footprint:2m*2m*2.5m

  • Player:1 Player

  • Game Time:3-10min

  • Voltage:110-220V

  • Power:500W